Looking to Share a Course with Another District?

  • There are options available for sharing AP and Elective courses across districts.

    Click this link to view a bell schedule for districts that are a part of our CoSer. Administrators and guidance personnel can use this to see which districts fit best for course-sharing opportunities.

    You can also find a listing of courses offered by the New York State Distance Learning Consortium by going to: the NYSDLC Course Catalog.

    For read-only access, log in with the credentials below.

    UN: distance

    PW: distance

    These courses are available for participation by our Genesee Valley regional districts that belong to the Distance Learning CoSer.

Looking for a Virtual Field Trip or Collaborative Opportunity?

  • Check out the following catalog:


    To search the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) for Virtual Field Trips, click the Content Provider Programs button.