renewable energy project

During his senior year at Attica Central High School, Nathan Sponaugle embarked on a transformative journey into the solar energy sector, facilitated by his participation in the Early College High School program. This program is a cornerstone for students aiming to secure a place in high-demand, well-compensated careers, particularly in emerging sectors. It is specifically tailored for students from school districts within the Genesee Valley BOCES region and fosters a pivotal partnership with Genesee Community College. This collaboration not only enables students to pursue a college degree while completing their high school education but also underscores the significance of integrating academic achievement with professional readiness.

The essence of Early College High School transcends the traditional educational paradigm by fostering robust partnerships between students and the business community, ensuring that learning is deeply intertwined with real-world business applications and workforce demands. The program offers a unique blend of experiential learning opportunities, from innovative workshops and talks by industry experts to hands-on mentorship in actual job environments. 

By facilitating a no-cost avenue for students to achieve an Associate degree from GCC, the program directly bridges the gap between academic learning and career development. It emphasizes work-based learning experiences and the cultivation of meaningful relationships with business and industry leaders. Tailored to meet the varying ambitions and paces of its students, the program grants them the liberty to select their career paths, thereby opening a wide array of opportunities and fostering a dynamic connection between education and the evolving needs of the workforce.

Nathan’s interest in renewable energy, particularly solar power, wasn't sparked by chance but by a deep curiosity about how solar energy works and its potential to transform societies. This interest led him to seek out a job shadowing opportunity at Grasby Consulting & EDF Renewables, a company renowned for its renewable energy production.

EDF Renewables specializes in developing and building solar projects that help to power communities and support a nationwide push towards cleaner energy sources. For Nathan, this was an unparalleled chance to see the theoretical knowledge he had acquired in the classroom come to life in the real world. It was here, amidst the hum of machinery and the bustling activity of construction sites, that his abstract interest in solar energy began to crystallize into a clear career aspiration.

On his first day shadowing, Nathan witnessed the initial stages of constructing a solar farm. He observed the precision with which holes were drilled and poles were planted, a testament to the meticulous planning and coordination required to bring such a project to fruition. The sight of supplies being delivered in a timely fashion highlighted the importance of logistics and project management skills in the solar industry. This hands-on experience provided Nathan with a tangible understanding of the complexities involved in solar farm construction.

What surprised Nathan the most during his shadowing experience was the broader impact of solar farms on local communities and economies. He learned that these projects do more than just generate clean energy; they also create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and can significantly increase local revenue. This realization added a new dimension to Nathan's interest in solar energy, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy projects in fostering sustainable development.

Observing the construction of one of the largest solar farms in New York State was a defining moment for Nathan. It emphasized the growing demand for solar energy and its potential to make a significant impact on the state's energy landscape. This experience taught him that the success of solar projects relies heavily on effective communication, teamwork, and the integration of cutting-edge technology.

Nathan was particularly impressed by the technological advancements he saw, such as GPS-equipped digging machines that ensured the precise placement of poles, and solar panels that automatically adjusted their position to track the sun. These innovations highlighted the industry's commitment to efficiency and sustainability, further fueling Nathan's passion for solar energy.

The environmental stewardship demonstrated by EDF Renewables also left a lasting impression on Nathan. He learned about the careful measures taken to preserve local ecosystems, such as protecting wetlands and conserving topsoil. This commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of solar farms resonated with Nathan, aligning with his own values of sustainability and conservation.

Through his job shadowing experience, Nathan saw firsthand how solar energy projects can benefit local communities, not just through the provision of clean energy but also by funneling resources into public services and education. This realization deepened his commitment to pursuing a career in the solar field, as he recognized the potential for renewable energy to contribute positively to society.

“It is important to Grasby Consulting to educate and help all students, including adults, to further their knowledge in renewable energy and all other job opportunities related to renewable energy,” stated Shawn Grasby, President of Grasby Consulting. “I feel this is important because the electrical need is so prevalent and growing quickly. As traditional power plants continue to shut down and the electricity needs become greater, this is the cleanest and fastest way for New York State to achieve its goals. By offering student services such as shadowing and in-person workshops, Grasby Consulting benefits the company and the students by educating the younger generation on future career paths and adults changing careers.”

As Nathan looks to the future, he plans to build on the foundation of knowledge and experience he gained from his time with Grasby Consulting & EDF Renewables. He intends to complete a two-year degree in solar panel technician studies at Genesee Community College, after which he will decide whether to further his education or enter the workforce directly. Regardless of the path he chooses, Nathan is now equipped with a clear vision for his career in solar energy, driven by a passion for sustainability and a desire to make a tangible difference in the world.

The insights provided by Haylee Ferington, the Community Relations Manager at EDF Renewables, further enriched Nathan's understanding of the solar industry's future and the crucial role of education and community involvement in achieving sustainable energy goals. Ferington's emphasis on the importance of engaging young professionals like Nathan in the renewable energy workforce highlighted the dynamic and inclusive nature of the solar industry, offering diverse career paths and opportunities for economic development within local communities.

EDF Renewables is committed to fostering the next generation of renewable energy professionals by offering scholarships to high school students in local project areas, focusing on trades or renewable energy fields. They actively collaborate with local union chapters and educational programs to enhance awareness and knowledge about careers in solar energy. They believe that supporting educational partnerships and workforce development initiatives is crucial for achieving New York's clean energy objectives and for the responsible development of renewable energy sources.

Grasby emphasized the importance of education and workforce development in the renewable energy sector. His advocacy for student shadowing programs and workshops reflects a commitment to nurturing the next generation of renewable energy professionals, ensuring that New York State can meet its clean energy goals amid increasing electrical demands.

Nathan's story, from his initial curiosity about solar energy to his immersive learning experience, is a testament to the transformative power of education and hands-on experience. It highlights the importance of following one's passions, the value of community and environmental stewardship, and the vast opportunities available in the renewable energy sector. As Nathan continues on his path, the insights and experiences he has gained will undoubtedly fuel his ambition to contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future through solar energy.


Solar Photo Caption: Left to Right: Adam Wheeler, Business Education Teacher Early College High School, Nathan Sponaugle, Early College High School Student, Shawn Grasby, Grasby Consulting. 

Second photo is of the landscape of the project.